1. Promoter:
- STAEDTLER (U.K.) Limited. 31 Old Field Road, Bocam Park, Pencoed, Bridgend, CF35 5LJ
2. Closing date for receipt of entries:
- Monday 15th July 2019. Final winners to be selected on Tuesday 16th July 2019.
3. Who can enter?
- The STAEDTLER NORIS school competition is open to teachers and teaching support staff who are UK and Republic of Ireland residents and aged 18 years and over as at the Closing Dates. Entry assumes that the participant has read, understands and accepts the Terms & Conditions. No purchase necessary.
- The Competition is not open to employees and the immediate families of the Promoter, its agents, or anyone professionally connected with the Competition.
4. Winner selection:
- On the last working day of each month, with the exception of December 2018 and July 2019, 5 winners will be selected at random from the entries received during that month. The winner selection timetable is as follows:

5. The prizes:
- Winners will be selected at random each month between the months of September 2018 and July 2019. Each winner will receive a STAEDTLER Noris school bundle. Each STAEDTLER school bundle will include:
o 1 x 121 GL1500 – 1500 Noris HB pack
o 1 x 185 G288 – 288 Noris colour pack
o 1 x 526 N20 – 20 Noris erasers
o 1 x 511 004 – 10 Noris tub sharpeners
- The winners will be contacted via the email address used in the entry submission. Bundles will be sent out 2nd class to the postal address provided within two weeks, with the exception of July 2019. Delivery for July 2019 will depend on the winning school’s term time dates.
6. Rules regarding prizes:
- The Promoter reserves the right to offer, in whole or in part, an alternative prize of equal or greater value should this prove necessary.
- No cash or other alternatives to the specified prizes are available and the prize is non-transferable, either in whole or in part.
- Any tax implications arising from winning the prize will be the responsibility of the recipient.
7. How to enter:
- To enter the ‘STAEDTLER NORIS school competition, participants must go to www.staedtler.co.uk/noris-school-competition and fill in the required details. No purchase necessary.
- Participants are permitted to submit 1 entry per month.
- The Promoter regrets that postal or telephone entries cannot be accepted.
- The Promoter can accept no responsibility for loss or damage to prizes sustained in transit.
- By entering the Competition, all participants are assumed to have read, accepted and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions
- The entry must be received in sufficient time by the Promoter, on or before the closing date.
8. Notification of winners and claiming of prizes:
- Winners will be notified via email on the dates listed below:

- For the purpose of the competition STAEDTLER will hold the email address and postal address used on the contact form until the end of that competitionn month when it will be deleted.
- Personal contact details will only be used to contact winners.
- Personal contact details will not be passed to any third parties, or used by STAEDTLER to contact them for any marketing purposes (other than to advise the winners they have won).
9. General:
- The Promoter may in its absolute discretion disqualify any entries which it considers do not comply with these Terms and Conditions, or in relation to which any form of bad faith is suspected.
- The Promoter’s decision is final.
- The Promoter does not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from the Competition or awarding of the prizes.
- The Competition is governed by English Law.
September 2018. Copyright 2018 STAEDTLER (UK) Limited. All rights reserved.
Product Information available from marketing.uk@staedtler.com